Noodles Cake Box Longstitch Book

Shows a hand opening the cake box book and flipping through the blank signatures.

This is both a Cake Box book (see here for example) and a longstitch book with some pasta-box-specific amendments. As Esther K. Smith says in her How to Make Books book (in which you can learn more about this type of longstitch book), this makes buying food in boxes ever more fun. I had made a few longstitch books before, so this one goes a bit beyond the intricacy recommended for a first “Cake Box Book”. I glued a box spine over the stitching in this case both for stability from somewhat flimsy cardboard and because I liked the look.

Gallery below includes the spine guide and a couple in-progress images. Credits here… kind of on the tin


Book Case (not like that)


"Removeable Feast" Postcard Gatefold